How to Choose the Right Stylist


Hey, you. I’m so glad that you found your way to the EnvyMe blog. I’m Lalitha, also known as “La La.” I’m a hairstylist with more than two decades in the industry, specializing in multicultural hair care, extensions, and natural hair. This blog is the place to get the tips and tricks you need to care for your hair. If you have questions, drop them in the comments below, and I’ll be sure to answer them there or in an upcoming post.

I’ve worked with hundreds, if not thousands, of clients over the years. With some, we’ve hit it off right away, and with others, I’ve had to politely say that it wasn’t the best fit. If you’re “hair stylist hoppin’” or transitioning between them, the thought may come up as to how to choose a stylist that’s right for you. Below are some key things to consider.


The most important thing is that the stylist specializes in the service that you desire. At EnvyMe, all new clients receive an initial consultation during their first appointment, so that I can learn more about them, their likes and dislikes, and hair goals. Hair care is my thing, so if a client is not interested in that, I know that it won’t be a good fit. I gladly refer clients elsewhere if what I have to offer doesn’t meet their needs.


Personality is another key consideration when choosing a stylist. When you find a stylist that you like, you typically stick with them for years, so it makes sense that your personalities gel. I have a personal relationship with each of my clients as a result of them coming to get styled by me. I don’t just care about their hair, but also what’s going on in their life as well.

Salon Environment

Do you prefer a more mellow or upbeat environment? Clients that come to get serviced at the EnvyMe Hair Studio Naperville location enjoy an intimate, pamper experience in our salon suite while clients that frequent the Chicago location know that it’s more lively and fast-paced. Your salon experience is supposed to be relaxing and comfortable, so make sure that the environment matches your taste.

Seeking a stylist to love on your tresses? I’m your girl. Click here to schedule an appointment at one of the EnvyMe Hair Studio locations. Also, be sure to follow me on Instagram for more pro tips!

Pedro Vega Jr.